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MAY 2016 UPDATE Focusing On 'Getting There'...

Hi folks, long-time and recent members, All who will continue: Some of this may be repetitive, but necessary for the newest folks. Great thanks to all who have pledged to date! Each one being an inspiration to the next ones!

This appears to be it! ...unless we be the miracle! The next 2-4 weeks will be the final opportunity to be a part of the founding members of our one-of-a-kind ecovillage project, Communikindred, or "Kin" . We need to leave some space for due diligence, and business days for transactions, but if we wait any longer, past experience has shown that it would be too late, especially if other outsiders unknown to us make a binding offer before informed time from a buyer is up. (June 1.) Already it's evident that our current joint pledged amount is insufficient, and it would be foolish to leave alternatives to the last day, if we can now muster up another option mentioned before: which would be a joint, or corporate mortgage, additionally carried by the current 'pledgers' and recent new members, still coming in, pledge-ready, thrilled with the project's intention, affordability, diversity, and scope! With your consent, we would then use the pledged funds as a deposit, and seek a mortgage for a modest amount greater than the balance, so we have some wiggle-room for the possible final price range, and/or a bit to put in the driveway, etc!

Here's a look at the massive footprint of this most pristine land that we could all share!! ~

(more text below)

For those who would prefer to increase their plot limit up to five units as an additional way to increase our total funds with more personal land-use as security/assets, that would be expedient to the cause of purchase! They might only have to be split up. We can look at that together, without compromising the ecology. Voila! we would soon co-own our eco-retreat in the making, in time for huge campouts already this year; getting to know each other better in ideal weather, as we establish a base-camp and facilities, going over sequential steps of development around a big table, screen-tent and a campfire on the side, cooking up our personal favourites... Kin ya dig it? If each one had their pledged amount already in the trust account, or not, what else would you do to secure our investment in time? If anyone has remaining questions about any part of this which might be holding you back from securing the most exciting, comprehensive, secure, back-up/vacation retreat, or permanent home space available, still within range of the GTA, please share what the issues might be. Let's talk. We should have all the finalized legal documents ready this week with instructions for your signature. Have i missed something?

Do you have faith in practising collective wisdom ,from ownership onward; in your own ability to transcend the status quo, in concert with others as we co-learn new skills in every life-relevant field? Pursuing this venture would show our ultimate respect and appreciation for all forefathers/mothers who helped make this even possible for us in a land of relative freedom..even as we too may prepare the ways for the seventh generation. Will you re-member your own true voice amidst the naysayers who would prefer to slumber through their inheritance or convince us otherwise, while our remaining living-options dwindle away? Who else will nudge the boundaries of possibilities, if not those who see them? If we see them, and act on them, others will also come to see them...and wonder why we should ever have tolerated the increasingly restricted view of life as we have been indoctrinated. There is so much more to give, discover ..which is not solely dependent on subservience to the financial and societal models which have had their sway. How about a final Spring surge this season towards this alternative ? If you are in, please contact each conceivable forward-thinking connection (as some of you have done),and share your vision of possibilities with them. Or, have them contact me directly, if you like. As I've said before, for me it will be the last such offering at this scale. There's no other known piece of land for sale this size or even close, with such unique and favourable features and location, at this price/value, -and unincorporated-, with the inherent advantage of not having to wait endlessly for building permits; and with the potential even of achieving village status before local government assumes its control. (Imagine how far ahead we would have been if acting over 3 yrs. ago when first announced! ) We can still do this most preferable thing, if we move quickly. Again, those who have pledged are welcome to visit the property as a group at the end of this month. Details will be shared with those individuals. (Sooooo, reluctant contingency however: for any who wish to remain in contact with me or one another ....beyond our time limit, to consider other alternatives if we collectively miss this one, please make a note to write down my contact details, and send me all yours if they are not already on our list. I'm not sure if i would just let the current Meetup subscription run out, or just cancel the remainder. If any current pledged member wishes to copy any of my website content for your own pursuits after subscription, you have my permission....with this copied message. Please Note ...from now on, please send any project-related or personal communication to my email:

(instead of ) Until we see our collective choice within the next weeks, ... for me, it's full-steam ahead...including getting some joint low mortgage payment quotes, but please let me know if you want to jump off, or really get on board :) I don't wish to make assumptions. Please understand that this is not arbitrary on my part. I simply have to finally move, this (4th) year, with all my considerable building/farming gear, tools and trailers, to be of maximum assistance somewhere else without such high expenses as they are here, and to responsibly sustain myself and others for the future. Aren't most folks in a comparable situation? or soon to be?

How is it with you'all ? Wouldn't it be easier all together?

Best to you all, in persistent courage, as we continue a while longer! ... henry 905-727-7902

Here's a Topo Map of the Area (without 'property boundary' overlay)

- Can You 'draw in' the property boundary of CommuniKindred ?? (hint: see the Realtor Map above)

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